
Ikhsanuddin Syamsuri

Ikhsan is a web developer, with his main focus was in frontend, but he also be able to do backend and devops to help in development process

Ikhsanuddin Syamsuri

Currently, he heavily type React.js website development with TypeScript. He also loved to code with React Native and Vue

His background in psychology and his passion for coding make him able to worki with data research and process the statistical data.

In 2012, he start his career in graphic design to help with tuition fees in psychology. Since then he has hon his skill in digital marketing, analytics, advertisement and SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

  • Frontend. Next.js is his favorite framework for working with React.js alongside Bootstrap 5, Tailwind, and ANT-Design pattern to develop appealing websites. He sometimes use NUXT.js, Vue, Gatsby, and Svelte.
  • Backend. Nest.js, Go and Laravel is what he preferred, even though he was able to use JAVA as well.
  • Devops. Docker was his best friend for deploying the application, since 2021 he started using Kubernetes to manage multiple docker images and resources.

No backend? No problem.

He manage to establish application without using any backend, yes it for prototype olny. But we need to create prototype at early stage of ideation process and calling for investment.

  1. April 2023, IT deparement disbanded

  2. April 2022

    Lead Software Engineer

    Building digital property management services. Reservation, booking chart, payment, room service, email service, API intregation with Channel Manager and digital checkin was build within a year.

    Mentoring, reporting, code review, distributing task and giving support was his day to day job as a lead of 2 backend, 1 fontend, 1 Database Admin and Quality Assurance

  3. April 2022, left

    Indotek Sukses Sekawan

    formerly Tekno Kreasi Nyata
  4. May 2021

    Lead Sofware Engineer

    Maintain development, giving level 3 support, and reporting for B2B white label product with single tenant sofware, managed in multi tenant infrastructure using Kubernetes. The tools that we use are Jira Agile, Google CLoud Platform, Stackdriver, Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics.

  5. April 2019

    Lead Frontend Engineer

    The frontend team getting bigger, then he promoted to lead the team. Deciding the stack for next project, and team capacity management now is his responsibily. Leading 4 people.

  6. November 2018

    Senior Frontend Engineer

    Develop website using React.js with ANT-Design for back office and using Vue - Nuxt.js for starting the project. I also give mentorship to my coleague.

  7. February 2019, left

  8. Sept 2018

    Senior Frontend Engineer

    Develop website using React Native we manage to ship an application to production level.

  9. Sept 2018, left

  10. June 2017

    Senior Frontend Engineer

    Deciding to folow the frontend path. He rebuild the website using vue.js and new bootsrap 4. Also he is a senior frontend with a new responsibilty to do mentorship.

  11. May 2016

    Junior software Engineer

    Translate from phothoshop to html and css is his main job. Using bootsrap 3, creating a gamer portal for online tournament inculding upper and lower bracket ststem, feeds, realtime chat, and marketing email. Sometimes he helps other coleague with larael backend.